Discotheque in Semarang and It’s Social Consequences, 1970-1998

A. Introduction In general, the Indonesian music during the reign of President Sukarno (1945-1966) did not have much variation and so good development. This is due to the influence of political manifestations declared by President Sukarno in 1959 and the issuance of Presidential Decree (Presidential Decree) No. 11 of 1963 concerning Eradication of Subversion Activities. After Soekarno collapsed, an attitude of openness towards foreign culture began to be carried out by the New Order government (Mulyadi, 2009). This openness then also influences changes in the interests of art and culture. The trend of disco music and other Western music goes hand in hand with the loosening of government policies towards the consumption of Western culture. This policy apparently also influenced Semarang as the capital of Central Java. The Semarang’s region which is a crossing area between two metropolitan cities namely Jakarta and Surabaya is very easy to accept the changes that oc...